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A collection of material from the design world intended to stimulate conversation, ideas and sharing of new and exciting concepts.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

StockLogos.com- brush the dust off those b-sides

Upload and sell unused logos!
<my page>  (stocklogos.com)

After grinding a few weeks of crowd-source design competitions and coming just close enough to get excited and find out that some new design won at the last minute... I was left with a small collection of unused logos. These have been sitting idle collecting dust in the 99 Designs folder for almost two months. I came across Stocklogos.com which is an online market-place that allows you to upload, price and categorize your logos for sale at a 25% fee (you get 75% list price).
If nothing more, this creates a great library of useful graphics to point clients to, and ready-to-go solutions for those rush jobs! There is a template to download and utilize for formatting the logos to upload (an .eps and .png image) and StockLogos places the image on a tee-shirt, hat, coffee mug, shopping back and smart car for application display- it's that easy! I'll be creating my library and sharing along the way.

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